False Pretension

She: “You told me you owned a luxury car! I never would have dated you had I known you drove a gussied up Biscayne!”
He: “Don’t look at me. I’m so ashamed.” 1966 Chevrolet Caprice Custom.

The Spirit that Moves

Ever since the head injury, Brenda couldn’t differentiate between her ’55 Chevy and a Ouija board. 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air show car built to celebrate the 50,000,000th car built by General Motors.

New Year, Old Cars

1965 Plymouth Sport Fury.

Where did 2022 go? It’s not under the Plymouth, more is the pity. Now we say it’s 2023, and strange things loom at us in the days to come. Some people want to turn left. Some people want to turn right. Some people want to set the Tesla on auto pilot and hope for the best.

motor meme
1973 Imperial LeBaron.

When I drive for pleasure, I like to drive a big Imperial. The driver seat is a throne and the kingdom is obliging. An Imperial makes a powerful silence. Time, space and obstacles yield before the car, then melt away in the rear view mirror.

That is a driving experience I wish everyone could know. I can’t hand out free Imperials, but I can string together a few words, share a few pictures, and send my thoughts, dreams and wishes out into the aether. Everyday, this is what I do.

Maybe you’ve hit the high-beam switch, and you can see orange barrels in the New Year, maybe even a detour or a road closed. If you’re a good driver, if your car is your kingdom, every mile marker is your arrival. It doesn’t matter how off course the route may be.

There are people who say to stop driving. There are people who think that GPS knows the way. Only a human can know the way. Only a driver can understand the rules of the road. Rule number one: Never let go of the wheel. Happy New Year.

Dave Duricy, Your Host

Chubby Chaser

She: “Why is the new Cadillac so fat?”
He: “Experts diagnosed Cadillac with emotional eating disorder after it broke up with LaSalle.” 1946 Cadillac Sixty-Two.

Punny Royalty

She: “I thought the Kaiser was the king of Germany?”
He: “He was. Now he mostly makes sandwich rolls and cars.” 1951 Kaiser DeLuxe.
Duricy's Motor Memes