She: "I think the third color is weighing us down."
1958 Rambler Rebel
She: "Frankly, we don't understand this controversy about colonialism. There's nothing more charming than a Chippendale dining room set."
1959 Rambler American
He: "Mind if I play through?"
They: "Buzz off, Palmer."
1959 Rambler Cross Country
He: "Weally? How wascally was the wabbit?"
1959 Rambler Custom
Kolchak photographs the first settlers to arrive in Nerdtopia as they receive their complimentary Rambler.
1959 Rambler Rebel
Dad: "Right over there, Timmy, is where you were conceived."
1959 Rambler Rebel
He: "Hey, get out of my driveway, you delinquents!"
She: "Look, fellas. Dig the corners on that square."
1960 Rambler American
Boy: "Gee whiz, Dad. Did ya hafta buy a Rambler?"
Dad: "Just be glad Crosley stopped making cars, kid."
1960 Rambler American
When Bobby's mom pulled up to the ball diamond in the Rambler, his shame was real.
1961 Rambler Ambassador
Dad: "Look, honey, it's Barney and Betty Hill being abducted by aliens!"
Mom: "If only someone had built a wall."
1961 Rambler Ambassador
Fred forgot that his smart phone wouldn't work in 1961, and he was forced to date women manually.
1961 Rambler American
Mom: "Hold still so I can hit you with my umbrella."
1961 Rambler American Custom
Mom: "Don't complain, Tessie. We all participate in the lottery."
1961 Rambler Classic Custom Cross Country
She: "Why is that guy looking at us?"
He: "Just don't make eye contact, honey. Don't make eye contact."
1962 Rambler Ambassador 400
He: "Nice hat!"
She: "I'm not wearing a hat."
1962 Rambler Ambassador Custom
She: "William Shatner called! You've got a gremlin on your wing!"
1962 Rambler American
She: "What's that racket?"
Driver: "Bad rod bearings."
1963 Rambler American
Little boy: "Hi, Daddy! I hitched a ride on a river boat queen!"
Daddy: "Did you see the good side of a city?"
1963 Rambler Classic
He: "You don't have a gun at all, you naughty minx!"
1964 Rambler American 440
She: “I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation. Living in the past, it's a new generation. A girl can do what she wants to do, and that's what I'm gonna do!”
1965 AMC Marlin
She: "It's this whole fastback thing, Brad. I'm just not buying it."
1965 AMC Rambler American 330
In the Disney, live-action remake, Bambi accidentally kills his mother after carjacking an AMC Rambler.
1965 AMC Rambler American 440
They: "Wait until Farmers Insurance hears about this one!"
1965 AMC Rambler Marlin
Brad forget to set the parking brake.
1965 Rambler Ambassador 990
She: "You cad! I didn't know that you owned a Rambler."
He: "Mom said not to tell you until after the wedding."
1966 AMC Ambassador Cross Country
Damien Thorn tries photography
1966 AMC Ambassador DPL
He: "C'mon, Mary Jo."
She: "No, Teddy!"
He: "What if I get an Oldsmobile?"
1967 AMC Ambassador
This is how cellists attract their mates.
1967 AMC Ambassador 880
How AMC owners roll in the hay.
1967 AMC Ambassador DPL
Brenda really didn't understand transmission whine.
1967 AMC Rambler Rebel SST
Car: "I really hate the Renaissance Festival."
1968 AMC AMX
Murphy Brown after dark.
1968 AMC Javelin SST
Javelin: “I’m prettier.”
Mustang: “No one cares.”
1968 AMC Rebel SST
Greta: "How dare you run out of gasoline, AMC Rebel. How dare you!"
1969 AMC Rebel SST
Guy and Rosemary Woodhouse welcome their second child.
1970 AMC Ambassador
He: "Can I show you something in an AMC?"
1970 AMC Ambassador SST
Grandpa Nielsen had 'em all fooled. He was the biggest opium supplier in all Wisconsin.
1970 AMC Gremlin
He: "Strange, I thought the Constitution came standard."
1970 AMC Gremlin
She: “A trunk is unnecessary, don’t you agree?”
1970 AMC Javelin
He: "Sheesus, Paul, take a shower!"
1970 AMC Rebels
In a rare, picnic twist, ants left the food and carried away the people.
1971 AMC Gremlin
Car: "Stupid Tesla Cybertruck! Why wasn't it cool when I got a wedgie?"
1971 AMC Hornet
Debbie just loved helping out on organ donation day
1971 AMC Javelin
Car: "No, I am NOT a Mustang!"
1971 AMC Javelin AMX
In 1971, AMC introduced a Halloween special called the Jack-o-Javelin. It was a cutting edge patch job with guts.
1971 AMC Javelin SST
Car: "How do you like my new pec implants?"
1971 AMC Matador
He: "Just think, honey. By the time she's 16, the price of gas will have tripled and cars will be complete crap."
1972 AMC Gremlin X
#WorstIdeasForDates: Showing her where you hid the bodies.
1972 AMC Matador
Everything you want in a house!
1973 AMC Gremlin X
She: "Say, aren't you Bill Nye the science guy?"
He: "No, I actually have PhD."
1973 AMC Levi's Gremlin
Finally, a way for celibates to get into each others' pants!
1973 AMC Matador
She: "Ya know, George, I can think of another bush here that needs attention."
1973 AMC Matador
She: "Listen, Linda. The first rule of Women's Club is you don't talk about Women's Club."
1974 AMC Gremlin X
He: “Somebody bought it! Keep looking until we find out why.”
1974 AMC Matador
If Mitt Romney were a car, he'd be a 1974 AMC Matador wagon. Why? Both are perpetual also-rans and of iffy build quality. The Matador wagon has a roof rack for his dog, and woodgrain to match Mitt's personality.
1975 AMC Hornet
He: "Where did we go wrong, Brenda?"
She: "The AMC dealer."
1975 AMC Hornet Sportabout
Car: "When you're born AMC, you're already going against the grain."
1975 AMC Matador
Fantasy Island really went down hill after the Kiwis invaded.
1975 AMC Matador
Car: "Let me get this straight. Ford makes a Torino called "Elite" and I'm the one you make fun of?!"
1975 AMC Matador X
He: "I brought the sphere. We can play tennis now!"
1975 AMC Pacer DL
We believe in knitwear and AMC.
1975 AMC Pacer DL
"For your information, Susan. It's not Parkay. It's Sunshine Yellow."
1975 AMC Pacer DL
Car: "Wait a minute. If you're the beauty, that makes me the beast!"
1975 AMC Pacer X
No matter how hard Brad polished, it was still a turd.
1976 AMC Hornet
Denim shirt: “Sheesus, Ed, hurry up! The banjos are getting louder.”
1976 AMC Pacer
If Jack Torrance had driven a Pacer, "The Shining" would end differently.
1977 AMC Matador Barcelona II
She: "So, I guess marriage is out of the question."
1977 AMC Pacer DL
Mom: "Bye, bell! I'll miss you!"
1978 AMC Pacer DL
Jill Biden: "I don't always rig an election, but when I do, I take the Pacer."
1978 AMC Pacer DL
She: "Why did you buy a Pacer?"
She: "I was a goldfish in a previous life."
1979 AMC Concorde DL
Gary and Brenda looked at their car and suddenly regretted their life choices.
1979 AMC Pacer DL
She: "I like girth."
1979 AMC Pacer DL
He: “Is there any place better than Wisconsin?”
She: “Yes!”
1979 AMC Spirit
She: "Is it haunted?"
He: "No, the catalytic converter is on fire."
1980 AMC Spirit DL
The 1980 remake of "Vertigo" totally bombed.
1981 AMC Spirit DL
Jacob Marley: "Tonight, you will be haunted by three Spirits: the base model, the sporty GT, and the luxurious DL."
1983 AMC Eagle
Even with 4-wheel drive, Brad still couldn't attract the ladies.